Graduation Regulations

Graduation Regulations

Graduation Requirements

  1. Have completed all the courses required by the program with minimum grade of B or S
  2. Have obtained a cumulative grade point average (C.GPA) of at least 3.00
  3. Have passed the qualifying examinations (only applicable to students choosing Plan B: Independent Study)
  4. Have proposed the thesis (Plan A Type A2) or the independent study (Plan B) and passed the oral proposal defense evaluated by a committee appointed by the Program. The oral proposal defense is open to the public
  5. Have completed the thesis (Plan A Type A2) or the independent study (Plan B) under supervision of the adviser, and passed the oral final defense evaluated by a committee appointed by the Program. The oral final defense is open to the public
  6. For students who choose Plan A Type A2: Thesis, one research work derived from the thesis must either published or accepted officially to publish in international peer-reviewed journals indexed in approved databases
  7. For students who choose Plan B: Independent Study, one research work derived from the Independent Study must be presented in an academic conference before the completion of study and appear in the conference proceedings publication 
  8. Have obtained library and financial clearance from the University
  9. Have not been charged by either University, Court or any other